In today’s article, we will explore how to best care for your bathroom taps, focusing on the best procedures and practices for maintaining the surfaces of AISI316L stainless steel.

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Cleaning bathroom taps: a care ritual

Caring for stainless steel surfaces is the key to preserving the beauty of your taps and prolonging their life and shine even more.

It is recommended that the bathroom tap be cleaned regularly. The procedure starts with a wash using warm soapy water, making sure to rinse thoroughly. Then dry the surface with a soft cloth to preserve its appearance.

For the removal of limescale residues, which tend to accumulate in corners and joints, opt for a mild detergent. Spray the product on a cloth and apply it to the affected area, avoiding spraying directly on the surface.

If you encounter limescale stains or haloes, hot vinegar or denatured alcohol are practical solutions. After application, rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth.

In the case of limescale deposits in the aerator, soak it in a solution of detergent and hot water or diluted vinegar. Let it soak for about ten minutes to dissolve any residue.

The presence of small traces of rust on stainless steel can result from external deposits. To remove it, a cream containing oxalic acid can be effective.

Cleaning stainless steel taps: what to avoid when cleaning?

In this delicate phase of the maintenance of your stainless steel taps, it is recommended to avoid the use of a number of products that would cause problems to the surfaces. Below are the solutions not to be used:

  • Chloric acid-based detergent: using a chloric, hydrofluoric, phosphoric or muriatic acid-based detergent to clean your bathroom faucet can irreparably compromise the shine of your bathroom faucet.
  • Sanitising products: in addition to the detergent, it is essential to avoid using products that contain ethylene oxides, chlorides and non-ionic surfactants. Bleach, for example, is one of the detergents that should not be used for this type of activity as it would affect or damage the tap’s protective coatings.
  • Scouring pads and wire brushes: Drying should be done very carefully with a soft cloth to avoid limescale deposits. A finishing touch that makes all the difference. Therefore, metal accessories, such as scouring pads and brushes, which could mark or scratch the surface of stainless steel, should be avoided.

In addition, it is important to implement a number of daily best practices that can help you prolong the shine of your bathroom tap:

  • Avoid using abrasive foams or scouring pads
  • Avoid placing cloths or sponges soaked in cleaning agents on stainless steel surfaces.
  • Avoid leaving open packages or bottles of detergents or other chemicals near taps. The fumes could oxidise and sometimes corrode stainless steel.

Super Inox finishes: a modernity to be preserved

The precision of detail and modernity of Super Inox are also clearly evident in the finishes of the taps. The company offers two options to customise your faucet: natural finishes and PVD finishes, both with unique features that meet a diverse range of needs and styles.

Natural finishes, such as brushed and polished, represent timeless elegance. Ideal for contemporary and modern interiors, these finishes not only give the product a sophisticated look, but also increase its durability.
The brushed surface offers a refined touch, while the polished surface adds a touch of luxury. In both cases, maintenance is simple, ensuring that your tap retains its beauty over time.

For those looking for a product with greater resistance, Super Inox offers PVD finishes, created using a technology that deposits a thin metallic layer on the treated objects. This innovative procedure not only gives the tap a distinctive metallic finish, but also offers significant advantages in terms of durability and sustainability. The PVD coating remains unchanged over time, eliminating the need for additional protective layers. This not only makes the product more durable, but also toxic-free, hypoallergenic and biocompatible, contributing to a safe and healthy environment.

Explore the Super Inox collections to discover how functionality and style come together harmoniously in taps.