Cost of bathroom taps: which elements influence the price?

In this article we will explore in detail how much the cost of a bathroom tap affects the total expenditure and what elements can make a difference…

Stainless steel design: the design of Super Inox

Stainless steel is a favourite material in industrial design and fittings. Discover the stainless steel design of choice at Super Inox.

Architect at Work Kortrijk 11 – 12 May 2023

Super Inox Rubinetterie will participate in Architect at Work Kortrijk, which will be held May 11-12 at Xpo Kortrijk. The bathroom and kitchen…

Kitchen mixer: how to choose the best one

Kitchen mixer: a fundamental choice. From practicality to aesthetics: unique design, quality materials and craftsmanship. Discover all the products.

Stainless steel finishes: how to understand which is best suited to your tap

Stainless steel finishes can give your faucet a different look. Here are the main features and what environments they are best suited to.

Which are the best bathroom accessories?

Stainless steel bathroom accessories are particularly recommended for their durability, practicality and elegance. That’s why.


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